Archive for the ‘sugar’ Tag

Food Addiction – Worse Than All Other Addictions – I Kills S-L-O-W-L-Y & MORE PAINFULLY   Leave a comment

This little piece of cake looks innocent enough, yes?  NO!  It’s not at all benign although it takes so yummy.  This little piece of chocolate cake will KILL you eventually.  Before it kills you, it will attack your body…one organ at a time.

Is food addiction really any different from illegal drug addiction or legal prescription drug addiction or smoking or alcoholism? How is it different? Drugs, nicotine & alcohol are considered to be substances that abuse and destroy the body. Wake up! The wrong food will destroy your mind and body just as much as or more than drugs. The fact that sugars, fried foods, fast food, and starches are deemed “legal” by our society doesn’t make them any less lethal. Go on and eat whatever feels good, but, get ready….those yummies are going to kill you s-l-o-w-l-y, and with a vengeance.

Sugar, a high caloric intake, globs of fatty foods, fried foods, fast food, starches, etc…, will make you fat, distort your body, take the wind out of your sails, cause depression, loss of self-esteem, and, last, but not least…you will become seriously and irreversibly diseased. You may not have a heart attack or stroke or cancer or diabetes, or a vast array or other choice diseases – today…but, during one of your tomorrows, you will find out that you have pushed your body just a bit too far and you will suffer for the rest of your natural life from something that could have been prevented. You will die before your time and leave your family devastated and abandoned because you wanted to eat yourself to death. I am speaking this way because it concerns me and I care. What also concerns me is that there is a seriously overweight and unhealthy community of people who are critical and judgemental against those in addiction…not even realizing that they are suffering from the most self-destructive addiction of all…….FOOD!!! Just like your car needs good gas, your body needs the proper fuel in the right proportions in order to serve you well and keep your systems running. So, before you run out of time, change the way you eat. You need healthy raw vegetables and fruits…I said RAW! I’m not talking about buying up all the syrupy fruit in cans during the latest can can sale at your supermarket. The amount of protein you should be eating per day shouldn’t be any larger than what can fit into the palm of your hand (one hand, that is). The rest of your plate needs to be RAW or STEAMED veges with a reward of some delicious colorful berries or other fruit for dessert. STOP red meat…it’s going to destroy you. When you MUST eat red meat, have it once per week and make sure it’s organic grass fed meat. Pork is said to be the chicken of our times. Do you know that at the crucifixions in Biblical times, pigs were used to clean up the mess that the dead bodies left on the ground. They ate the dead and lapped up the blood. There’s a reason why God commanded us NOT to eat pigs! Do you want to eat animals that would love to eat YOU??? This post may be hard to take for some of you, however, it needs to get said. If I’m going to write, coach, and teach about addictions, I wouldn’t be doing my job or serving you well enough if I didn’t include bad food choices as one of the worst addictions on earth. Oh..don’t forget that salt! REMEMBER: You don’t need to enjoy your food. You just need it to survive. If it’s gooey, sweet, fried, or fast…run for your life!

Before anyone out their passes judgement on anyone with a past or present addiction, make sure you’re in tip-top shape and nice and thin.

Sugar is a Chemical Addiction & Very Serious…Here are Some Dangers   Leave a comment

You see sugar above, I see cocaine. Call me crazy. They both will destroy you.

What is the most common addiction in our society today? Well you may be surprised to learn that it is sugar addiction. That’s right, those pretty white crystals sitting on most people’s kitchen table. The average American consumes 32 teaspoons of sugar a day. Not only is it addictive, but this very common everyday product that is falsely believed to be harmless is responsible for many health problems we find in our society.

There’s a very significant difference between white refined sugar and naturally occurring complex sugars that are found in whole foods. In this article we are speaking specifically of refined white sugar, or its cousins, the other refined sugars, such as brown sugar, powdered sugar or raw sugar.

White refined sugar is not a food. It is a chemical. It is an addictive drug. Yes, that’s right, an addictive drug and when you remove it from your diet you can experience withdrawal symptoms as excruciating and serious as alcohol withdrawal, including tremors, flu like symptoms, headaches, and mood swings so intense you would damn near kill for a chocolate bar. Some say it is as addictive as heroin.

The biochemical make up of white sugar is almost identical to alcohol, except for one molecule. Refined white sugar is stripped of any nutritional value and is an empty calorie food; In addition to that, in order to be metabolized in the body it has to draw from your vitamin and mineral reserves and therefore is responsible for depleting mineral and vitamin levels, which in itself creates numerous health problems.

We can classify sugar as an addictive substance for the following five reasons:

1. Despite negative consequences or the desire to give it up, the consumer eats it compulsively
2. Neurotransmitters in the brain, like dopamine and serotonin, are impacted in the same manner as alcohol and hard drugs like cocaine.
3. With continued use, tolerance occurs and sugar consumption must be increased to achieve the same experience
4. Over time, sugar is required for normal functioning
5. Withdrawal occurs when sugar consumption ceases

Sugar addiction frequently leads to addiction to alcohol or harder substances and is often the root cause of relapse for alcoholics and drug addicts in recovery.

What is very sad and devastating is that sugar addiction is an acceptable addiction. It’s not uncommon for people to know they have an addiction to sugar and to make a joke of it. It’s not seen as a serious matter, when in reality it is very serious indeed.If you’re ready to stop being a sugar addict and take charge of your cravings, then you’ll want to take a look at How to Break Your Sugar Addiction Today.

Sugar addiction develops in several different ways. Partly it is due to the fact that sugar effects the area in the brain called the reward pathway in the same manner as drugs and alcohol, it over stimulates the neurotransmitters until they no longer function properly, tolerance develops and the mind becomes dependent on sugar to function. Additionally, because sugar is void of any nutritional value, the body never gets the chromium and other essential nutrients it needs and therefore it keeps craving more.

However addiction to sugar often is also the result of a food allergy or food sensitivity. When you’re allergic or sensitive to a food you often develop an addiction to it. You can ask your doctor to run an allergy test to determine if you have a true allergy, however allergy testing will not determine if you have a sensitivity. The ALCAT test can be used to identify hidden food sensitivities like sugar. When you have a sugar sensitivity, you most often have other food sensitivities that go hand in hand. Learn more about the ALCAT test.
Health Issues Related to Sugar Addiction
Sugar has many destructive effects on the human body, including but not limited to, damaging, altering and disrupting proper function of the nervous system, endocrine system, metabolic system, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal system and immune system as well as primary organs like the liver, kidneys, colon and pancreas.

The list of health problems associated with sugar is enormous and too large to go into completely in one article, but some of the most common include:

* depression
* mood swings
* irritability
* depletion of mineral levels
* hyperactivity
* anxiety or panic attacks
* chromium deficiency
* depletion of the adrenal glands
* type 2 diabetes
* hypoglycemia
* obesity
* candida overgrowth
* high cholesterol
* anti-social behavior such as that found in crime and delinquency
* anger control issues
* insomnia
* decreased immune function
* aggression
* neurotransmitter deficiencies
* high blood pressure
* heart disease
* asthma
* alcoholism
* acne
* fibromyalgia
* attention deficit
* cancer
* binging
* obesity
* chronic fatigue
* addiction
* hormone imbalance

The consumption of sugar is considered to be one of the three major causes of degenerative disease in America even by the American Diabetes Association. Sugar is so destructive it can probably be linked to just about any health condition you think of and then some.

One of the most important issues for anyone living with a chronic illness is the impact sugar has on the immune system. Sugar suppresses the immune system. It depletes levels of phagocytes (the white blood cells that are needed for strong immune function and that eat up harmful bacteria) and this reduces the bodies’ ability to fight infection and disease.

Regardless of whether you’re trying to improve your health or protect it, removing sugar from your diet is probably one of the most important things you can do for yourself and your health. That and the avoidance of environmental toxins.

If you consume sugar because you’re not aware or educated about it’s negative effects on our health, that is one thing, but it is simply reckless behavior to continue to eat sugar after you’ve been informed, that will ultimately have long-term consequences.

There are few things in life where we have a lot of control what happens to us, but the food we put into our bodies is something that is totally within our control. Making better choices in food has a significant impact on our level of health, emotionally, physically and spiritually and it doesn’t require expensive lab work, prescriptions, remedies or trips to the doctor.

Removing sugar from your diet is not as easy as you think, because sugar is used as an additive for preservation and to make things more palatable. So it is basically found in most commercial foods. Unless you are living a health conscious life-style and picking your food wisely, sugar is in your catsup, morning cereal, spaghetti sauce, soup, salad dressing, peanut butter, pancake syrup, bread, yogurt, you name it and it probably has sugar in it. They even put sugar in your salt. You must learn to read labels very carefully and make different choices when shop to eliminate sugar from your diet.

Other forms of sugar that should be removed from the diet include date sugar, maple sugar, raw sugar, turbinado sugar, high fructose corn syrup, fructose, dextrose, maltose and lactose, as well as molasses and honey. Healthier sweeteners like agave, maple syrup, brown rice syrup, barley malt and fruit juice sweetened items need to be significantly reduced as they too will trigger sugar addiction and impact the health in the same negative manner if eaten excessively. Organic sugar, organic cane syrup and organic can juice should go as well as they are not really much healthier and for the sugar addict – sugar is sugar.